Personal Brand Model

Personal Brand Model coverPersonal Brand Model cover

About the project

The project allows you to pass the survey and receive personalized recommendations on how to build a personal brand and what to focus on. Today, individual brands are powerful tools for making sales and communicating ideas. Web application helps people develop their brands.

What we've done

We have developed the platform from scratch. We have designed it to make it localized, configurable, and easy to get reports.

Results and value for the client

Tens of thousands of surveys passed through the platform. It helped the client to enter the Startup Accelerator.

Tech stack

  • Python
  • Django
  • GraphQL
  • TypeScript
  • ReactJS
  • Redis
  • RabbitMQ

“BARVATECH LTD is a very empathetic team that treats their clients as if they were part of their own business.”

Natalia Pirak


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